Saturday, August 17, 2013

Why Does This Blog Exist?

Single parents come in all shapes and forms and from different walks of life. I think its important to define what a single parent is and the different roads that leads to one becoming a single parent'

A Single Parent:
- is a parent, not living with a spouse or partner, who has most of the day-to-day responsibilities in raising the child or children. A single parent is usually considered the primary caregiver.

Factors that makes a person a single parent:
-unintended pregnancy 
- death of a partner 
-single parent adoption

Rather you are a parent who just happens to be single and currently co-parenting or trying to co-parent  with your partner or the only parent your child knows,  if this single parenting life was thrown upon you by the death of your partner or an unintended pregnancy or divorce; no matter how you ended up on this path, I hope you find something from this blog that you can use in your own journey in parenting your kids.  For Single Parents faces a completely different level of stress and problems/challenges. It is my goal for this blog to inspire you and bring you hope in your journey as I chronicle our journey on this path of single parenthood.

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  1. You are THE SINGLE CRUNCH, right? I've been searching for you old FB page all night!

    1. click on the link below for our new facebook page


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