Sunday, August 18, 2013

Christmas Deals in July At Target

Had to run a couple errands after church, and while at Target I found some awesome deals, that allowed me to start my christmas shopping a little bit early. I for one can't stand being in stores around the holiday seasons cause it is a bit crowded for me. But today I found a couple of items that I purchased for christmas gifts for the kiddos and thanks to my awesome friend who came out shopping with me, for keeping the kiddos busy while I managed to purchase these items. And let me and as a bonus,  that what I purchased was all educational!

Meet Robbi the Robot, He is sorta like a high tech alphie the robot I use to play with as a kid but this one works with the kiddos iPod touch. I saw him a while back in June and my toddler really wanted him but I just wasnt going to pay $39.99 for him. Today he was on clearence for $11.98. 


Next we have some high tech books that will also work the kiddos iPod touch.  They are normally $14.99 but I got them on clearance for $4.48. According to the back of them, itikes came out with 4 different stories in motion books but I only found 3 of them in the store. I even checked online and they were listed as regular price online still. but that is okay, we will have fun learning with the 3 books we got on sale. 

I also found 2 activity / coloring / sticker books normaly $3.95 I got them for $1.48. 

I was extrememly exicted about my deals today , that I decided to go back out looking for deals tommorow , so be on the look out cause I will have more to blog about then. My friend said she would come over and watch the kiddos so I can see what other deals out there can I find and hopefully be finish with my Christmas shopping or at least put a dent in it. As a single parent with only one income, Christmas can put a toll on the family budget. Now my kids understand that Christmas is more then gifts, we talk about the birth of Jesus, and we also do our little family tradtions but every kid wants to wake up with gifts under the tree. And one way that I managed to buy gifts for my kids is putting up $20-$50 a pay period every month so if I find something on sale that I know that they will like I can buy it. And having that money put aside also doesnt put that much of a strain on me if someone asks for a certain toy.  Right now we are off to a good start and I didn't get a chance to really look around Target to see what other deals I could have found because the kiddos started to get fussy and I knew a major melt down was on the way so it was time to purchase my items and get out the door quick. 

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