Monday, August 19, 2013

Rainy Days = Fun Outdoors

"I Know it is Wet, and the sun is not sunny. But we can have lots of good fun that is funny! --The Cat in the Hat 

I use to think that rainy days meant that my kids were stuck inside the house and we had to find something to entertain ourselves with before we go bored out of our mind. Especailly when it rains for days on kiddos go nuts from being stuck inside the house.

 That is when I had an idea!!!! Rainy days didn't mean my kiddos were stuck inside playing puzzles, building forts, or coloring , or watching the occasional movie. As long as it was not lightening and thundering we could still have fun in the rain. I decided that we would save our rainy day fun stuff for really bad stormy days, but we will start treating any rainy day like a sunny day. I want my kids to remember rainy days with the same joy as they remember sunny days from their childhood. Time to put on rain boots and head outside to get wet and explore nature in the rain. 

We took a walk through our neighborhood , holding our hands out 
catching raindrops. 

Singing silly songs in the rain, and of course splashing in every puddle we saw. We even made a game of it. Who could make the biggest splash. 

I forgotten all about the joys and giggles that come with splashing in puddles , I dont know what it is or how to describe the delight, that comes from jumping in puddles. 

Just when we made it back to the house the rain got harder that didn't stop the fun for us because there is nothing like dancing in the rain with bare feet 

We even grabed a ball and had a quick game of kick ball in the rain that turned into a game of catch. I am sure the neighbors probably looked out their windows and thought we were a couple of wackos for being out in the rain or that I was a terrible mother for allowing this to take place because my kiddos would be sick the next day but who cares??!! We were making memories and that is all that matters. I really wished I thought about doing this earlier, I dont know what I was thinking, like what was the point of buying rain gear if we weren't going to use it to get wet in the rain while playing?! We retired back inside our dry home , tired but overjoyed with having spent some time outside inside of being stuck in the house. Everyone dried off, and changed from wet clothes to dry clothes and settled down for some hot chocolate with plenty of  marshmellows of course. We discuss what our favorite part of the day was, pure simple family time.

I know my kiddos will look back on this day and days like this and remember that on rainy days , their mother didn't keep them all in the house but let them out to explore the world and all its wonders in the rain. I think the next rainy day we have , if its hot enough we will put on swim suites and pull out the slip and slide and have one wet and wild time. 

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