Friday, January 10, 2014

Lets Ban Together To End The Mommy Wars

Let me start this blog off by saying, Yes I am aware of the single dads who are reading the blogs and following the Facebook page. This blog post is not to leave you out but to address an issue that seems to surface a lot with women. 

Ladies , we are all mothers, and we should be uplifting each other not tearing each other down because another mom choses to parent differently than you.  We need to come together and stop with the drama and pettiness. Lets make it a point to end the mommy wars. 

How do we win a "mommy war"? 
We get a little closer every time we lift up a mom whose life is different from ours, instead of tearing her down. We "Win" when we recognize that the mom who volunteers at the school and the mom who runs a company; are both doing an important service and are equally worthy of respect. We "win" when we don't treat dads like dummies or babysitters. We "win" when we recognize that career ambition and the drive to nurture an exist in the same person at that same time, and work together to come up with ways to scratch both itches. --Meagan Francis 

We all come from different walks of life and if you find yourself on this blog or our Facebook page its because , like me you are a single parent and you are practicing some , if not all the principles of attachment parenting. Just because another mother parent differently than you,  or isn't crunchy enough like you, is not an excuse to judge that mother. We are all doing things that best fits our needs and our family's needs. We are not a cult, so please do not try to turn attachment parenting into a cult. We are different Moms who parent and nurture our children in the way we see fit. Rather or not a Mom breastfeeds, baby-wear, feeds only an organic vegan diet,  circumcise , or co sleep. She is still a wonderful mother who is meeting the needs of her child.  So please no trolling and judging another mother saying she doesn't know or understand AP because she made a choice different than yours. 

Also Let me add that their will be times that an article will be posted up about , breastfeeding, co sleeping, or circumcision, etc If you don't agree with it, please don't judge mothers who do. Think of this blog and Facebook page like an all you can eat buffet, take what you need / want and leave what you don't need / want. 


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