Sunday, January 12, 2014


Many years ago back when the world of social media was so young and fresh; myspace was king, internet was still somewhat new. There was a blog name, The Married Crunch: This blog talked about family life of a Queen Kaye and her King and their royal children. It was more of a way to update friends and family about their children and family life. However, after 14 years of wedded bliss, the marraige ended and the Queen took her maiden name back and adjusted to life as a single woman and for the first time ever, a parent who is single but also coparenting with her former partner. Surely she couldn't continue her old blog, she was no longer married to her king. So after many months of settling in to her new role and life. She started back up again: 

The New Single Crunch was formed. A spin off the Married Crunch, but this time she was a newly single woman, something she hasn't been since the mid to late 90s. The word crunch had a new meaning, before when it was the married crunch, the word crunch meant, how we would work full time in corporate america and then put in some crunch time with our children. Life was crazy busy back then. Now a days the word crunch is short for crunchy, a term used to describe a person with a natural lifestyle. Back in the 90s before I had children and before this natural thing became more of a trend, you could spot all the crunchy people out in a croud. Barefooted hippies was the term or if you had dreads (no one really said locs back then) chances are you were a hippie as well. 

 Now this blog and Facebook group has been active for quite some time, No drama because this mom doesnt allow negative engery to entire her space. The rules are quite simple, if you are here it's because you practice some form of attachment parenting or alternative parenting and natural living as a single parent. Treat everything like a Buffett , take what you need leave what you don't need and to keep an open mind. We have several moderators and don't allow too much commenting to go on the page and the blog because we don't want any debates and online fighting taking place. So security measures are in full force, no comments can be left without being moderated and the wall is completely shut down, photos must be sent via inbox to be shared. And the most important rule of all was NO BASHING the other parent rather they we absent or not!  This rule was one that a lot of you like. I was informed that their was another blog name The single crunch and they have a secret group where the moms would whine and complain about their baby's father.

 Many of my readers are still apart of this group and they all said how they were sick of the drama and the constant complaining. That when they saw my page they thought it was the old page but noticed that we didn't play that foolishness over here.  If you want drama and complaining about how no good your child's father is and how broke he alway is, when in fact he was broke when you met him, then please go join this group of moms. 

I have an administrator who is apart of this group still, and several members of our group or in this group. I also have a link to the group, it's the same one that was posted up but if you aren't a member of the group all you get is a broken link. It's a secret group like ours in the privacy settings, but unlike our group, these moms bash the dads and complain and whine and bash others and play the victim when they get called out. I guess that is the other side of being a single AP parent! We are supposed to whine and complain and bash each other no good baby daddy, oh and have mutilple sex partners and on again off again break up next week got a new BF by the following week. Not talking about ways to co parent , or save money , etc. BITCH and MOAN, that's the other side of being a single AP parent to them. I want to thank each of you for keeping down the drama, we get laughs and headaches from reading the posts in the screenshots from that freakshow of a group that make single parents look bad. And thank you for sharing your stories. As you all have said this blog should be about single parents as a whole. And let me point out here, that we don't pay attention to grammar, this is the internet, and I am very easy going on the grammar, sometimes you are just trying to get your point across really fast.  And I saw this meme in my message section and I just had to share:

But I take a Vacation and I am alerted by an Admininstrator, that a young lady; Faith Loewen (I use the word lady loosely) has left a rather rude comment, trolling on our peaceful page. They had my premisson to call this lady out. And indeed they did. Now this lady goes and plays victim like what she did was so innocent and she was attacked for no reason at all. so I have to ask myself this:

here I have a pair for you 

Lets see, you come to my page and start some drama and being rude and get called out on it and now you want to go cry and play victim? Please inform me on how you are the victim in this situation? 

Yep this is your Problem Faith, You came on a page and tried to play the big bad bully and got called out on your drama and foolishness. So go ahead with your police report. I have the stuff subpoenaed from facebook along with IP addresses. So please inform me how is it that you come on a page make rude comments trying to prove how big and bad you are and when you get called out for your idiot remarks you are now the victim? 

Oh this will play out so lovely in court don't you think? A page that has been around as long as it have before you came on making false statements? Lawyers costs money my dear. A public defender won't stand the chance against our team, they will tell you to settle out of court and are you sure you can pay our punitive damages fees? 

So I am trying to enjoy by vacation and I see the drama hasn't stop. So now my page is being confronted by a this crazy woman who claims my blog is hers .... Uh excuse me Psycho but this blog has been in production for how long and you are just now showing up? Did you just get out of the insane aslyum? 

This my friends is Kimberly Yvette Price.

Now kimberley once own a blog and a Facebook page called the single crunch. She gave out parenting advice, and she has a current Facebook group to where moms would act immature and bash the fathers, and complain all the time. Nothing uplifting was going on in this group.  You would think someone who try to encourage the members of her group. But instead you hear foolishness like, yeah girl go ahead and trap that man, don't let him see your kid, and other nonsense.
and from what I have seen through screenshots I seen from readers, and from what I found when I googled her; why would someone who seemed to be educated as she is. Hang around a bunch of whiney complaining,  immature women? She can go so far, but she is hanging out with the wrong crowd. Negative Nellies will drown you. The single crunch is supposed to be your brand, your calling and you are letting folks give it a bad name? Bashing , bullying, whining , complaining, making single parents look bad as a whole. I just don't get it. If everytime I logged on to the group all I see is this:

I just couldn't do it, I think I would have snapped and said:

because I cannot deal with people complaining over and over again about the same mess. 

Everyone knows "mother Kaye" as the group sometimes calls me, but get on my forum (if you don't know where our forum is, contact us via email or inbox, can't let the lurkers know all the info) or group and start whining about how no good your child's father is. How he doesn't take care of his kids by you and three different women, you know what I will say: 

If he wasn't taking care of his kids before hand and you still open up your legs to him, then it's your fault! You were being silly thinking you could change him. 

Now Kimberley has this crazy delusion that she knows who is running this page and blog, my admins are laughing because they have the screen shots of this foolishness going down.

So Kimberley must have this unhealthy obsession with another mom, cause she thinks that is who is running the page and blog, Cyber stalking is a felony my dear and in your words you are going to the police ? For what? To turn yourself in? The crime commented is by you and your sheeple. You admitted to stalking this mom. I have the IP addresses from all your sheeple's computers and some phone numbers cause they fail to realize that smartphones have IP addresses. An IP address can lead me straight to the very house / location that you and your sheeple's are using, slander , defamation of character, copyright infringement . the list goes on Cause let me spread some legal advice on you. From a little old person name Kaye Porter _________(I am not given this psycho my old married name). A person with a law degree who at one time sat behind a desk like this but no longer do so, my ex husband still does but not me. 

A person who unlike you and your sheeples who tried to leave comments using fake names.  (My guess is that they don't have any big girl panties either) but they have such big mouths 

But I found a pair of big girl panties for you and all your followers to wear together since you all share one brain cell 

Question? Did you learn or should i say earn your law degree from watching tv, I bet that is how you did your investigation or should I call it what it is CYBER STALKING, you learn it from tv. You have NO CASE!!!! (An a little lesson for you, sacastic font is using more than one punctuation mark to get your point across online, like typing in all CAPS means yelling or shouting).  I took a stroll down my timeline and what did I see?? People using more than one punctuation mark. So your stalker obsession with this mom is just pure crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am going to request that the judge do a mental evualtion on you. Because to assumme that only one person types like this!!! and only one person has a certain table is pure  craziness!!!!. Paranoid Schizophrenia is the medical condition but i am no, psychiatrist. examples of people from my timeline and group typing in sacastic font (but I guess someone who is paranoid and delusional as you will say just like the table that these profiles belong to the same person even the one belonging to the celeb) :

oh and the page sharing thing from articles . So stupid but I must school you. Cause apparently someone so dumb shouldnt be on facebook. have you not noticed that if one or more person shares the same articles in your TL it showes you all your friends who shared the exact same article and if you go to their pages it shows the same article on their page??? So tell me big dummy does that mean that your friends are all one person? No dumb dumb it means that they all just shared the same article. How transparent is that?? even a 3 year old can see that. If you need me to make you a photo collage of how it works please let me do. matter of fact here you go: 

Cause just like the : !!!!!!! and the ???? and peole who type   with   spaces    as I have showed through the above collage is something that is done by everyone. So please have a seat, as a matter of fact have several Seats 

I hope you and your little sheeple do go to the police and watch the justice system turn on you. Watch what legal actions will be on you, many of you from what i know from screenshots are so poor you couldnt even afford a good lawyer. Harassment from your end is just uncalled for. 

And please informed me when did you trademark the intitals K.P. ? Cause I could have thought from all the stories i heard about how immature your group was that you wouldnt dare think someone was using your intitals, this page and blog have been active for quite some time and now you start drama?. My Admins use intitals when postings, because they have seen how your crazy insane followers post up other bloggers stuff and try to sanctimomma them and bully them. Like the Baby Sideburns posts that I have screenshots of from your group. Do you even know how much a trademark costs? Its quite expensive and if you can show me that you have the proof to those initials then I will post up my entire name.

Now back to the harrasment done by your friends, I would love to post up the street addresses, dont tempt me, waiting on your police report cause guess what you can't prove harrassment but i can. Want show everything but will wait for what we call in the legal field, open discovery. but a Theresa Benker posting up on the site Imposter! why would she do that? over and over again? that's Harrasment and what about these: 
Just Another Mom,
Home Life
All left rude comments and tried to do so without revealing who they are, or so they thought. there is a little thing called IP addresses. I would post up their names that link back to their FB profiles. But that would make court less fun. 

Now if your so called followers wanted to believe that we were your old page, let them, because we both post up parenting stuff along the lines of AP. I would say that the only thing me and you differ on is the homeschooling, you unschool to where I now homeschool after taking my Kids out of private school. But I still post up articles about , traditional , unschooling and homeschooling due to the fact that this page isn't a cult and not just one way goes.  Now the moment followers of the single crunch tried to bring drama, or bash the other parent, on this blog or page they were called out and realized that this page didn't run like that freakshow of a group you have. And the mom you think is running this page. I would love for her to come and write a guest blog for me. She already shares my page, submit photos to the page. Heck I still have the screen shot to where she inboxed the page saying welcome back Kimberley why the sort of new name change? we didn't respond. we had been warn by others about your group and we didnt want those whiney folks over here. But she isnt a whiney mom, and I cant get her to write for us. And it was her who suggested that if we post up photos of kids to block out the faces because of lurkers and looney toons. I am hoping now she will write for us very soon especially since screenshots of how you slander her got sent to her. Everything you and your creepy lurker crowd has been made public because we have folks still on the inside of the group. And tell me how is it you dont know your group? you chatted with my admin who was also chatting in your group at the same time, how many atheists are in your circle? BTW she is still in your group. 

I would have prefered if you came to me like an adult instead of a psycho making false remarks and statements.  then we could have talked. but thank goodness not everyone believed your foolishness. That goes to show that unlike you their are still some peole with more than one brain cell that can function and instead of spreading lies and rumors starting drama would actually come and look at the page. Hopefully your so called friends can come together and raise enough money so you can afford a good lawyer.

So who am I? Kaye Porter-_________ or KP or maybe i should start using KayeP since the only person on planet earth with the initials KP is Kimberly Yvette Price. I am a holistic lifestyle living mother raising her children through coparenting. I left corporate america because I realized that my children were growing up without me. I have morals but I wont say that I am regilious. I dont encourage other single mothers who are already struggling to raise kids, to have unprotected sex with men they barely know, I will leave that for you and your group. I unlike your group of mindless drones , encouarge singles to enjoy this time of singleness like I am doing. Find out what makes you tick. Learn how to be happy alone before rushing in and out of relationships. Because from what I have seen through screenshots. Some of those crazy mindless drones of yours have issues themselves. They in no shape form or fashion should be out their dating. If the same issues surface in failed relationship after failed relationship than the issue isn't with the other person but with them own up to it. Also and this is the kicker, I encourge women to stop looking for captian save a hoe! If you want a man that is well educated, employed good credit, etc. Ask yourself are you these things? Why not work on improving your credit score or getting that degree while being single before adding a relationship in the mix. You get what you attract. And Standards !!!! have some standards!!!!!!! Stop lowering standards just to get a man, loneliness will not kill you. If you chose to settle for Joe Dirt then don't complain becaue you allowed that to happen.  And for my admins, honey they arent yours I will be more than happy to list their names but since i have one who is in your freakshow of a group I won't. So tell me again how your admins are the only people on earth with those names???? Silly Rabit tricks are for kids.

Queen Kaye Porter aka K.P.

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